Tax issues related to poker tournaments

Many times you will hear of people who have sold or exchanged a portion of their tournament action to help cover the costs of playing in tournaments. In other words, this player has agreed in advance to split his winnings with another person or a group of people. Depending on the size of the tournament, this has the potential to get the players and those people who have purchased a share in the players action in to a potentially difficult tax situation.It is the casino�s responsibility to report the winning player�s monetary win to the IRS. The casino would normally issue each winning player a W-2G form for the full amount of their win. rajasultan88 The winning player would then add this to their tax return the following April. In the instance where the player has sold part of his action,Tax issues related to poker tournaments Articles that player can provide the casino with Form 5754. The casino is then required to issue a W-2G to each person listed on the form.

If you plan to sell a portion of your action to another person or group of people, it�s important to let everybody know ahead of time that they will be responsible for their share of the taxes. Friendships and relationships can be damaged when large sums of money are at stake. Diffuse the situation before it happens by being prepared.

This information is not to be used as tax advise. For all tax related questions, please seek the assistance of a trained tax professional.

Semua Tentang ‘Kasino Online’

Orang-orang suka berjudi dan inilah alasan mereka menyukai kasino. Namun kecintaan terhadap permainan ini dan kesenangan dari sering mengunjungi kasino mungkin mulai memudar memikirkan antrian yang tak ada habisnya di mesin slot atau permainan kartu favorit Anda.

Kasino yang terlalu ramai yang memberi Anda sedikit ruang untuk siku mungkin membuat pengalaman perjudian sedikit lebih melelahkan dan membosankan. Hal ini sama sekali tidak diinginkan. situs slot Solusi untuk masalah ini dan pengalaman perjudian terbaik hanya dengan sekali klik, Artikel Semua Tentang ‘Kasino Online’ yaitu ‘Kasino Online’.

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Ada sejumlah situs web yang memungkinkan Anda memainkan permainan kasino gratis ini secara online, tetapi disarankan untuk selalu memilih situs web yang menggunakan perangkat lunak bersertifikat dan menjauhi pihak berwenang dengan audit keuangan rutin. Situs web yang memberi Anda layanan, ketentuan, dan peraturan permainan yang sangat mudah dipahami dengan metode pembayaran yang mudah adalah situs yang harus dikunjungi seseorang untuk mendapatkan pengalaman perjudian yang menyenangkan. Situs web ini juga memberikan prosedur pendaftaran yang mudah dan cepat, setoran minimum, bonus gratis instan, penarikan tanpa kerumitan, terutama untuk pemula. Tidak hanya pemula tetapi semua fitur tersebut menarik bagi para pemain profesional, penjudi setia, serta pemburu bonus.

Seorang pemain baru disarankan untuk memulai pengalaman bermain online-nya dengan portal yang menawarkan semua jenis opsi dan preferensi permainan dan bukan hanya portal yang berspesialisasi dalam satu atau dua permainan. Ini karena, seseorang yang belum pernah menggunakan layanan kasino mungkin memerlukan lebih banyak waktu untuk terbiasa dengan preferensi pribadi, keterampilan, dan variasi yang diperlukan untuk memainkan setiap jenis permainan. Bergantung pada kemenangan dan kesuksesan yang diraih, pemain baru dapat beralih dari permainan black jack biasa ke permainan slot bakarat atau dadu. Selain itu, situs web kasino yang menawarkan beberapa batasan seperti taruhan tinggi atau rendah pada permainan mereka adalah pilihan yang baik, terutama bagi mereka yang mungkin tidak termasuk dalam kategori ‘pemain tinggi’ tetapi berharap untuk mencapai level tersebut.

Mengapa Anda Membutuhkan Set Poker Profesional

Saya beri tahu Anda, Mengapa Anda Membutuhkan Set Poker Profesional Artikel jika Anda menyukai poker, tidak ada yang lebih baik daripada memiliki set poker profesional (yah, kecuali Anda memiliki meja poker yang terlihat profesional untuk dipadukan dengan set poker profesional Anda ). Poker adalah permainan yang hebat karena berbagai alasan, dan penampilan serta perasaan seperti pemain profesional perjudian perahu sungai atau pemain turnamen Texas Hold’em menjadikannya jauh lebih baik.

Suatu malam, saya pergi bermain poker di rumah teman. David selalu mengadakan permainan poker pada hari Jumat atau Sabtu malam. Jadi, di sinilah kami, menyesap bir dan menyalakan stoagies, berkumpul di sekitar meja poker David–dan, ya, dia punya meja yang terlihat profesional–dan kemudian istrinya, Maria, datang membawa tas jinjing aluminium yang tampak apik ini . Dia meletakkan kotak itu di tengah meja, dan David membuka kaitnya. Ini set profesional! Sobat, saya beri tahu Anda–jika ini belum menarik bagi Anda, Anda bukan pemain poker. Lagipula, ini bukan masalah yang sangat serius.

Izinkan saya memberi tahu Anda lebih banyak tentang set poker profesional itu. Ini menampung 300 chip komposit-lay 11,5 gram tingkat kasino yang mengapit dua set kartu remi berkualitas profesional. David mengatakan bahwa dia juga telah menyesuaikan kartunya. Saya merasakan berada di kasino sungguhan di suatu tempat ketika saya melihat set poker profesional itu.

Sekarang, saya tahu–Anda mungkin tidak memiliki antusiasme yang sama (atau lebih baik dikatakan semangat?) terhadap permainan ini, bahkan jika Anda benar-benar memainkannya. Anda mungkin berpikir ini semua terdengar gila. “Mengapa orang gila ini tergila-gila pada set poker profesional?

Benda itu mungkin membuat David mengeluarkan banyak uang. Mengapa tidak membeli beberapa kartu dan keripik plastik di Dollar Tree setempat?” Baiklah, sobat, mataku terasa berkaca-kaca ketika mendengar seseorang berbicara tentang mobil antik, jadi aku turut merasakan perasaanmu. Aku bukan salah satu dari mereka laki-laki yang peduli dengan Pameran Mobil Tua, tapi banyak teman laki-lakiku yang peduli. Ya, aku mengerti.

Tapi saya suka poker, dan saya suka nuansa kasino. Saya menyukai gagasan untuk memasukkan nuansa kasino sungguhan ke dalam kenyamanan dan kemudahan rumah Anda sendiri. Dan–Saya suka barang bagus. Saya tidak percaya dengan menjadi murah. Menghemat uang adalah satu hal, tetapi menjadi murah adalah sesuatu yang lain. Barang murah mudah rusak, atau mudah kotor. situs slot gacor Dan…yah, kualitasnya rendah.

Satu set poker profesional mengungkapkan pola pikir berkualitas tinggi. David peduli dengan pengalaman bermain gamenya, dan dia peduli dengan pengalaman teman-temannya. Jika Anda berkumpul dengan teman pada suatu malam, Anda ingin menikmati pengalaman itu semaksimal mungkin. Anda ingin mengingatnya bertahun-tahun kemudian. Jika ini malam poker, Anda menginginkan pengalaman dan kenangan itu. Anda tidak membeli bir murah, Anda membeli barang bagus seperti Sam atau Girls atau Heineken atau Beck’s Dark.

(Ya, saya menyadari beberapa orang menyukai Budweiser, dan selama jenis bir itu sesuai dengan gagasan mereka tentang kualitas tinggi, itulah yang penting. Tapi saya keluar jalur.) Anda bahkan mungkin akan membeli scotch atau brendi. Anda mendapatkan orang Kuba atau Kolombia yang baik. Mungkin Anda memutar musik yang bagus di stereo. Anda menyajikan beberapa makanan lezat (Anda tahu, jenis yang tidak Anda temukan di toko makanan kesehatan). Dan Anda duduk di meja poker yang bagus, dengan kualitas profesional jika memungkinkan, dan Anda bermain dengan set poker profesional. Begitulah adanya.

Suatu malam, perangkat poker profesional David membuat saya begitu bersemangat…tampilan dan nuansa bermain dengan kartu dan chip itu, semuanya tetap bersih dan rapi dalam wadah yang bagus…sehingga saya sekarang sedang menjalankan misi. Saya juga akan mulai mengadakan malam poker. Dan itu berarti saya memerlukan meja poker yang terlihat profesional…dan set poker profesional yang sangat, sangat bagus. (Ngomong-ngomong, aku sudah punya batang basah yang terlihat profesional. Dan set anak panahnya.)

Sekarang, jika Anda sama bersemangatnya dengan saya dengan semua ini, izinkan saya memberi tahu Anda secepatnya apa yang saya ketahui. Anda dapat menemukan set poker profesional yang berisi 100 hingga 1000 chip. Beberapa casing terbuat dari aluminium, seperti milik David, tetapi casing lainnya terbuat dari kulit Royce. Saya belum memutuskan mana yang menurut saya lebih keren.

Faktanya, saya sedang mempertimbangkan casing aluminium dengan bagian atas bening–ya, sekarang bayangkan saja memamerkan kartu pro dan chip pro Anda bahkan sebelum Anda membuka penutupnya! Buatlah teman bermain poker Anda ngiler sebelum pertandingan dimulai. Saya tahu bahwa mereka juga membuat set poker profesional �high roller� yang mencakup dadu kasino. Itu bukan untukku, tapi mungkin juga untukmu.

Oh, dan saya juga pernah melihat set yang dapat dipersonalisasi atau disesuaikan dengan tema ruang poker. Saya tidak tahu tentang Anda, tapi saya suka segelas Guinnessstout yang enak. Jadi, coba tebak apa yang saya pertimbangkan? Ya–satu set poker profesional dengan nama dan logo Guinness di atasnya. Saya mungkin membuat tema ruang poker pub Irlandia.

Begini, jika Anda ingin mengadakan malam poker, Anda harus melakukannya dengan benar. Berikan teman Anda pengalaman yang lengkap. Sertakan satu set poker profesional. Ini lebih dari sepadan.

Bagaimana Cara Memilih Kasino Online?

Kasino telah ada sejak lama, memberikan jutaan pengalaman bermain game yang lancar secara global. Kasino fisik tersedia di hampir semua kota maju, namun perkembangan teknologi terkini telah menyebabkan diperkenalkannya kasino online. Kasino online seperti fun88 memiliki banyak manfaat dan menjadi pilihan bagi banyak penjudi. Game-game ini mudah diakses, asalkan Anda memiliki internet cepat dan perangkat pintar. Kasino online juga memiliki promosi dan bonus tinggi yang menarik para penjudi dari berbagai belahan dunia. Artikel ini membahas manfaat utama kasino online.
Tentukan Tujuan Anda
Langkah pertama sebelum memilih kasino online adalah memutuskan tujuan Anda. Dengan kata lain, penjudi harus mengetahui apa yang diharapkan sepanjang pengalaman kasino mereka untuk meningkatkan peluang kemenangan mereka. Mengetahui tujuan Anda akan membantu Anda memilih penyedia layanan terbaik.
Ingat, sebagian besar kasino online memiliki persyaratan taruhan yang rumit, artinya pemain tidak dapat memanfaatkan bonus pendaftaran.
Bacalah Panduan Perjudian Online
Platform perjudian online dibuat secara berbeda, yang menjelaskan mengapa Anda harus membaca panduan perjudian yang berbeda. Memeriksa panduan ini sangatlah penting, karena panduan ini memberi tahu Anda tentang peraturan platform, serta rincian penting lainnya.
Penjudi juga harus memeriksa berbagai ulasan dari klien sebelumnya untuk menentukan keaslian platform.
Pertimbangkan Opsi Perangkat Lunak mereka
Ada lebih dari empat ribu kasino online saat ini, jadi memeriksa opsi perangkat lunak sebelum memilihnya sangatlah penting. Hanya sebagian kecil kasino yang mengizinkan penjudi dari AS, yang sebagian besar didukung oleh perangkat lunak berbeda.
slot Namun, sebagian besar kasino online tidak memiliki perangkat lunak berpemilik, karena mereka menyewa dari perusahaan yang sudah mapan. Sebagian besar platform perangkat lunak menawarkan permainan yang lebih baik daripada yang lain, sementara yang lain hanya bagus untuk permainan tertentu.
Periksa Kebijakan Pembayaran
Pertimbangan penting lainnya sebelum memilih kasino online adalah memeriksa kebijakan pembayaran mereka. Namun, menguangkan uang di kasino ini memiliki faktor berbeda yang harus Anda perhitungkan. Pertama, sebagian besar pengguna platform kasino online membatalkan pembayaran mereka yang tertunda; semakin lama fitur ini tersedia, semakin buruk.
Mohon hindari kasino yang menyediakan opsi ini selama lebih dari empat puluh delapan jam, dan pilih kasino dengan waktu pengembalian kurang dari dua belas jam. Waktu sebaliknya berkaitan dengan waktu yang dibutuhkan untuk memproses pembayaran; Anda harus memilih kasino dengan pembayaran lebih cepat.
Beberapa kasino memiliki batasan jumlah uang yang dapat ditarik pengguna dalam satu waktu, dan Anda disarankan untuk memilih kasino yang tidak memiliki batasan ini.
Tidak diragukan lagi, perizinan merupakan pertimbangan penting sebelum memilih kasino online seperti fun88. Kasino online paling terkenal diatur oleh pemerintah, artinya mereka memiliki lisensi yang sesuai untuk menjalankan aktivitasnya.
Namun, negara-negara tertentu menawarkan lisensi dengan pengawasan minimal, dan Anda harus menghindarinya dengan cara apa pun.

Exciting Online Casino Games


Casino games are getting quite common and most of the times you find most of them in all most all casinos. But who would not want to try new ones?

There are many online casino games out there that are quite common,Exciting Online Casino Games Articles you probably have seen most of them here and there and while tradition is a good thing, who wouldn’t want to try out some cool new stuff now and then?First of all, being European, I have only been to casinos that featured the European Roulette. Plain and simple, does the job. But if you feel like taking a pulau69 chance, why don’t you have a go at an American Roulette table. Many online casinos have both versions. The American Roulette features two Zero fields: 0 and 00, offering more betting possibilities – and more excitement! Also the numbers are arranged in a different order around the wheel. This gives users an excellent chance to try and test new roulette methods.Now let’s take a look at some Video Poker machines. They are simply great for beginners, giving hints at what cards to hold or discard. These too come in many variations. For example, the 25X Deuce Wild is a classic style Video Poker game where the four two’s (deuces) act as wild cards, to help make up winning combinations. Plays 25 hands simultaneously, saving you time and maximizing your winning chances.Another favourite of mine is the 3 X Deuce Poker, which is again a classic style Video Poker Game, where the four two’s (deuces) in the deck act as four wild cards to help make up winning combinations. This one plays three hands simultaneously. Then there’s the ultimate video poker game, the 50X Play, that plays fifty (!) hands simultaneously – quite an experience!Did you know that there are many different types of casino Slot Machines in existence? Everybody knows the traditional 3-Wheel variation with the classic symbols such as BAR signs, bells, cherries and so on. This type of Slot game only has one winning line in the middle.5-Wheel slot machines are quite common too. These usually feature more winning lines: 3, 5,15 and even 50, providing even better chances to win. Many of the different slot machines feature new themes that are different from the original well known slot machine theme described above. Cool online slot machine themes include cars, jewellery, toys and many more. Some of these will take you to a trip around the world, visiting exotic places such as Egypt, China, the rainforests or the ocean floor.

Casino Bonuses – Getting the Most Out of Online Casinos

Slots, roulette, poker and blackjack (to name but a few) are played all over the world, from the slot machines in the pubs of Australia to the high stakes poker tables of Las Vegas in the United States.

Online casinos are where most gambling enthusiasts are turning for their shot at the pot. But where does one start? Before you even get started, it may be wise to get to know the available bonuses at the many casinos. Not only will it ensure that you’re gambling sensibly, but it’s also imperative that you know what advantages are at your disposal.

Take a look through these internationally recognized online casino bonuses, and then perhaps proceed to a casino for a trial in a training room, or free room to try your hand.

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As an added advantage, some online casinos offer a Monthly Casino Bonus, which means you receive a certain amount of credit at the start of the month. Some casinos pay quite a considerable amount when it comes to Monthly Casino Bonuses; it could be all you need to up your luck.

Exclusive Bonuses

This is a bonus unique to some of the casinos on Casino Cash Journey – the bonus means that online casino players will receive special bonus offers.

New Online Casinos Bonus

The supply and demand of online casinos is growing every day, and newer casinos like to entice players in with New Online Casino Bonuses. These added promotions give you an upper hand, especially during the touch-n-go trial period.

Free Spins Bonuses

Sometimes online casinos offer what is called a ‘Free Spins Bonus’. Casinos may provide players with free credit, or playing time to chance their luck. Not only is this great because you’re playing with the house’s money, but it’s also a fantastic way to try other game styles, or other casinos.

Please note that there is no deposit required to play, but it is sometimes required to claim your winnings from the casino.

No Deposit Bonuses

What better way to take an online casino for a test run, or for newcomers who wish to test the waters, than a casino which offers No Deposit Bonuses. This allows you to enter a casino without putting down collateral, or making a commitment. With this bonus you’re free to come and go as you please, but please keep in mind that to claim your winnings it is usually necessary to make a deposit.

Refer-A-Friend Bonus

Some online casinos employ a ‘Refer-A-Friend Bonus’, which you can take advantage of by successfully inviting your friends to play online. situs slot gacor Each time you complete a referral you will receive free credit, or sometimes free plays.

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Oni Beceri Durdurma Slot Makinesi İncelemesi

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Slot Pahlawan Super Marvel

Di dunia kasino online, slot bermerek sangat sukses. Beberapa slot online bermerek paling populer ada dalam seri Marvel Superhero, yang dirancang oleh Cryptologic dan PlayTech. Setiap pengembang mendekati dunia Marvel dari perspektif yang berbeda tetapi kedua rangkaian game tersebut menghadirkan gameplay berkualitas, jackpot progresif, dan grafik yang mengesankan kepada para pemain. situs slot online

Cryptologic adalah operator perjudian online pertama yang melisensikan pahlawan super Marvel, menciptakan serangkaian permainan jackpot progresif multi-level. Setiap permainan dalam seri ini didasarkan pada karakter buku komik populer, termasuk The Hulk, Blade, Captain America, The Punisher, Silver Surfer, X-Men, The Fantastic Four, Spiderman, Thor dan Wolverine. Desain game-game ini lebih didasarkan pada grafis buku komik, dan mereka berhasil membuat pemain merasa sedang membolak-balik halaman novel grafis sambil memutar gulungannya.

Setiap game dalam seri Marvel Cryptologic terhubung ke jaringan jackpot progresif Hero. Ada tiga level: Pahlawan Marvel, Pahlawan Super, dan Pahlawan. Marvel Hero adalah yang paling dermawan dari ketiganya, memberikan jackpot rata-rata lebih dari $15.000 yang dibayarkan setiap hari. Jackpot Pahlawan Super disetel ulang pada $700 dan memberi pemain jackpot rata-rata $1500 setidaknya lima kali sehari. Jackpot Pahlawan adalah hadiah terkecil, yang bernilai $70 dan menawarkan jackpot senilai lebih dari $100 beberapa kali per jam.

Seri slot Marvel Superhero PlayTech diluncurkan beberapa tahun setelah koleksi Cryptologic, jadi permainannya agak lebih maju. Oleh karena itu, grafik dalam rangkaian permainan ini didasarkan pada film Marvel, yang menampilkan grafik 3D dan gambar sinematik. Slot online dalam seri khusus ini didasarkan pada karakter seperti: Blade, Iron Man, Spiderman, The Fantastic Four, Elektra, Daredevil dan The Hulk.

Game Marvel Superhero dari PlayTech terhubung dengan jackpot Marvel Mystery, yang berisi tiga level: Kekuatan Tertinggi, Kekuatan Super, Kekuatan Ekstra, dan Kekuatan. Ultimate Power adalah jackpot terbesar di jaringan. Pembayarannya lebih jarang dibandingkan Marvel Hero dari Cryptologic tetapi hadiahnya jauh lebih besar. Ia membayar hadiah rata-rata $800.000 setiap 3 bulan. Jackpot Kekuatan Super dan Kekuatan Ekstra membayar hadiah rata-rata masing-masing senilai $30.000 dan $1500.

10 Tactics On How To Win Money At The Casino

A casino is a place where you can bet and play games to earn money. Do you want to win money in a casino? slot online Well, it is a great place to win a jackpot. Many casinos use tactics so that the players do not win the game.

Tactics to learn and win money in casino

If you follow some approaches, then there will be high chances for you to win the game in the casino. Below mentioned are the points for you to know how to win money at the casino:

Cash Out- The casino dealers’ advice the players on the games. It helps them to make money from the players. They advise on the game like for example blackjack.
Hidden Costs- The slot of machines depends on coins payout. If you want to win a jackpot, use large numbers of coins.
Avoid falling prey- In casinos, there are people, who will claim that they pro in casino games and will turn you into a multi-millionaire. But before you follow their tricks and tips, you should not blindly trust them.
Take a break- Some players are so passionate while playing that they forget to take a break. You should always take small breaks, refresh your mind, eat something and then come back to play again.
Say No to Drink and Play- If you are drunk and not in your good sense, then avoid playing casino games. Or else the casino will play with you. You will not be in the situation to realize the fact. Once you finish the game, then you can drink.
Focus on Time- You should always wear a watch in a casino. If you are on the table and losing the game in the first 10 minutes, then it is time for you to leave. You can set an alarm that will save you from further loss.
Control your money- You need to limit the amount of money on the bet. The players cannot think of money control during the game time. So, do the calculations before you start the game.
Know when to quit- If you want to win a jackpot, then you must know to quit. Whenever you have a doubt, you should leave the game rather than trying the luck.
Won the game, take it home- Even if you won a small amount, do not forget to take it back. Do not wait for big fortune or else you will end up losing it.
Winning Odds- There is no need to be a genius in maths to play casino games. Before you bet on the game, you need proper and good calculation of the game.
Reality check of casino world
It is not difficult to earn money in casino games. It also depends on your luck on how to win money at the casino. The world of the casino has made millionaires. But in general, if you ask ten people how much they earn from the beginning, then you will know the reality.

Egypt Casinos

Egypt is a country in Africa that permits gambling and visitors of Egypt will find that there are plenty of casinos in Egypt to enjoy. Each year residents and tourists flock to the Egyptian casinos in search of exciting gambling entertainment. There are over 24 Egypt casinos in existence today. The majority of Egypt casinos can be found in three cities: Alexandria, Cairo, Sharm el Sheikh, with a good deal of casinos situated particularly in Cairo. Casino cruises are available in Egypt as well, and gambling is quite popular in the country.

At present, Cairo is home to some twenty Egypt Casinos: the Al Andalous Casino, Al Karnak Casino, Cairo Marriot Hotel and Omar El Salam Hotel, the Casino Midway, the Casino Panorama, the Casino Semiramis, the Cedars Casino, the Cleopatra Casino, the Conrad Cairo Casino, the El Gerzirah Sheraton Hotel, El Mamoura Tours Casino, the Sayeda Zeinab, the Felfala Casino, the Inter Casino and the Nile Hilton are among them. In the meantime, one casino can be found in the city of Alexandria: The El Salamlek Palace and two casinos are established in Sharm el Sheikh: the Hilton Sharms Dream Resort and the Casino Royale.

Popular games in Egypt casinos consist of American Roulette, Blackjack, Poker, Punto Banco, Stud Poker and Roulette. Many of the casinos in Egypt offer slot machine access, and a select few offer pull tabs or video casino games. Of course, after a day or evening of gambling, visitors in Egypt casinos may want to dine at the restaurants located within most casino environments, and some guests actually stay at the hotels adjacent to some of the Egyptian casinos. Finally, Egypt casinos, especially those in Cairo, are often established near shopping centers and cultural attractions, making the act of touring Egypt and all it has to offer a simple task. Of course, the best way to enjoy the excitement that a casino has to offer is to combine such excitement with one of Egypt’s popular attractions – cruises down the Nile do just that. The Shehrayar and Shehrazad are cruise ships that offer spacious accommodations and splendid gambling opportunities. The ships can be docked in Cairo and passengers can enjoy the elegant dining, swimming pool, the gym, and the extraordinary view of the Nile Valley. Passengers can book one of 69 cabins available and choose from a 3, 4 and 7 night stay on board either ship.

Top Online Casinos and Gambling Tips & Articles

Articles: Online Casino Strategies Part I

How to Choose an Online Casino.

An online casino is essentially a virtual land casino. While the games and the rules may be the same the environment and strategies change causing the online casino to become an independent entity.

This means that while you may be a professional gambler at a land based casino in Las Vegas in an online casino on the internet it’s a whole new game.

The odds and risks involved in an online casino game change and it’s essential that you learn some strategies suggested by professional online casino gamblers so that you can play the online casino games with better odds.

The online casino that you choose to play at will make or break your game. Every online casino has its own strategies to lure the players and allow the house to win. In order to ensure that the online casino at which you play is the one which will if not beat the house odds at least give you an even chance to win we recommend that you follow the following strategies:

Play at an online casino that offers the latest state of the art gaming zone. An online casino that has the PWC reviews and the player return numbers is reassuring as it shows that it’s an online casino where professionals astute and knowledgeable about their online casino games, play.

24/7 online casinosupport is essential. If an online does not have a 24/7 support numbers do not risk your money there. Online casinos are a risky place and you have to ensure that all odds are on your side. Playing at an online casino that does not offer support increases your chance of losing your money. The 24/7 support number will ensure that there are no confusions about the rules and any doubts that you may have will be clarified.

Do not choose an online casino because it appears in the top ten list of the search engine through the key words you choose. Many sites may advertise their site and appear in the search engines this does not mean they are trust worthy. Its always safer to follow a guide or a Top Ten Site recommendation as you can be sure of the professionalism of the sites advertised as they offer programs that are long lasting rather than temporary. You can be sure your money is safe at such a site.

There are tens of online casino sites. Choose the ones that offer high bonuses and rewards. These online casinos will ensure that every dollar that you put in is stretched as much as possible so that you get the most play out of the least dollar.

Online casinos may offer interactive sites but if your are a professional you may opt for the state of art games at a simple site this will ensure that you do not get distracted with music, pop ups and other such gimmicks used to entertain and distract the players from their winning streak. Concentrate.

Play at US based online casinos that are if not licensed at least within your reach if they do not pay your winnings. The support number and US presence is essential for an online casino.

Once the online casinoof your choice has been picked do not jump from casino to casino. That can be dangerous as many online casinos are scams and will disappear within a few months. If you get bored of one casino play at another casino of the same organization. Most regular online casino sites have a network of casinos offering players the most variety within the same terrain. situs slot gacor

Five Advantages of Online Poker Rooms and Online Sports Betting

Online sports betting and online poker rooms have many advantages that can keep you playing and winning real money.1. No big casino pressure: Venture into any casino on the Vegas strip and you will quickly find the kind of pressures that can lead you to losing big money,Five Advantages of Online Poker Rooms and Online Sports Betting Articles especially if you are not that familiar with the myriad gaming opportunities available to you. Hundreds of slot machines with different rules, dozens of card games that are more of the same � it doesn’t matter what you play, you are not just testing your skills when you walk into a physical casino. You are also dealing with impatient gamers waiting for you to get off the machine, crowded and noisy environments, and a house that wants nothing more than to take your money and leave you without any. If you are costing them, they don’t really want you there. With online poker rooms and online sports betting, you can handle it all from the comforts of your home computer.

2. Hone your skills as an online sports betting pro: If online sports betting is your thing, then you live in the right time. Not only do you have the capabilities of doing your online gaming all from your home computer, but you also have instant access to useful statistics and information that could influence the outcome of the sports you are betting on. In a casino, you don’t have time to stop and do research that could lead to a more educated wager.

3. Learn a wide variety of different games, even in online poker rooms: When it comes to online poker rooms, you have a vast array of poker styles to choose from such as Aces and Faces or Texas Hold ‘Em, that will have you becoming a poker aficionado in no time.

4. Take an active role in the sports world: Why sit idly by on the bench and watch the athletes have all the fun? It is definitely cool to have your favorite sports team, and to follow their progress throughout a season, but why should there be nothing more “in it” for you? Being a spectator takes you only so far before you grow bored with the monotony. With online sports betting, your football or basketball or baseball seasons take on a new life, as you stand to win as big as the players.

5. Risk as little as possible: One of the biggest advantages of online sports betting and online poker rooms is that you are under no obligation from anyone to put up the house and the car. In fact, you don’t have to spend a single dime to play and learn the games. slot Furthermore, you can become quite advanced at the basics before you ever play for any kind of serious money. This fact makes it easier for you to get involved before deciding to “go pro” for real money. And by waiting, you stand a much greater chance of reaping much greater rewards.

All of the above are great reasons to get involved in the world of online sports betting and online poker rooms. But don’t forget the greatest reason of all, and that is to have fun!

The $100 Slot Machine Challenge

The $100 Slot … Tony R Frank, … have $100 to bet at a casino� your … is to double your money. How would you tackle this … Is there a strategy for doub

The $100 Slot Challenge
By Tony R Frank,The $100 Slot Machine Challenge Articles

�You have $100 to bet at a casino� your challenge is to double your money. w88 How would you tackle this challenge?�

Is there a strategy for doubling a $100 bankroll playing slot machines? If you assumed that slots are purely a game of luck, I�ve got news for you. Instead of playing haphazardly and hoping for the best, you can use methods that give you about as good a chance as if you were to plunk down $100 for even-money betting at your favorite table game.
First I would pick the right machine. Some slots give you a good shot at meeting this challenge while others are more likely to steal all your money. The most important feature when choosing a machine is the pay table. Too many players are attracted to a slot machine dangling the carrot of a huge jackpot. Others pick one simply because its big and shiny and looks enticing.

Large jackpots mean fewer smaller payouts. Big winners� fortunes are financed not by the casino but by many losers. It is better to select machines with small to moderate jackpots. For the same wager, you have a much better chance of winning 800 coins than you would have chasing 20,000 coins.

Also avoid slots where half of all possible payouts are in the 2, 5, 10 and 20 coin range. Although you might get frequent wins, the amounts aren�t big enough to prevent your bankroll from slowly but surely grinding down to zero.

The best strategy for meeting this double-your-money challenge is to look for a single pay line, two-coin machine with a modest jackpot and a pay table featuring a good range of medium sized prizes.

The ideal pay table looks something like this:
One Coin Two Coins
800 1,600
80 160
60 120
40 80
30 60
20 40
10 20
5 10
2 4
On slot machines with this kind of pay board, wins of small to medium proportions occur more frequently, because most of the money does not have to go towards a giant jackpot. You have an excellent chance of catching enough mid-range payouts to stretch your time at the machine by simply recycling your winnings. The longer you can make your money last, the better your chances of eventually lining up the jackpot combination. To succeed at slots you need staying power.

So, my strategy for doubling a $100 slots playing stake goes like this:
I would choose a two-coin 25-cent machine with a single-pay line and a jackpot of 800 and 1,600 coins for one-coin and two-coin play respectively. And the slot will have to provide decent mid-range payouts. Double Diamond or Wild Cherry machines are good candidates in brick-and-mortar casinos.

Choose your machines carefully, not all Double Diamond or Wild Cherry slots have identical pay tables. The brand of a machine is not really important it�s the pay table that counts. Online casinos will have slots that meet our requirements, but don�t look for the same machine names as you see in live casinos.

I would play single coins until I had exhausted my $100 or had hit that 800-quarter ($200) jackpot. Towards that end, I would have to make the $100 starting bankroll last as long as possible by recycling all those small payouts. The more spins, the more chances I would have of lining up the winning combination.

Playing one quarter per spin and reinvesting the smaller winnings has two objectives. Either the $200 (800 coin) jackpot is hit, or there will be sufficient smaller payouts to tally up 800 coins or $200 on the credit meter. Either way, you meet the challenge of turning $100 into $200. You can�t expect to reach this goal every time, but I believe the success rate will be about the same as in even-money table game betting.

So there you have it. If you�re ever asked to double your bankroll on slot machines, those are the methods I am suggesting.

If you agree that it�s about time you separated yourself from the millions of slot players who are being shamelessly robbed of billions of dollars by the casinos, I invite you to go to and discover my e-book �How to Really, Really Win at Slots�.